
September 1967
Vol. 01, Fasc. 2
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PalaeovertebrataVol. 01, Fasc. 2:47-64. 1967
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 Contributions à l'étude de l'anatomie crânienne des rongeurs. 1- Principaux types de cricétodontinés
Jean-Louis Hartenberger
Keywords: Cricetodon; Cricetodontinae; Miocene

doi: 10.18563/pv.1.2.47-64

Cite this article: Hartenberger J.-L., 1967.  Contributions à l'étude de l'anatomie crânienne des rongeurs. 1- Principaux types de cricétodontinés. Palaeovertebrata 1 (2): 47-64. doi: 10.18563/pv.1.2.47-64

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Description, for the first time, of the skull of Ruscinomys Depéret on the basis of a nearly complete specimen, and description of a new facial part of a Megacricetodon Fahlbusch skull (material from upper Miocene, Spain). New description of the skull (facial part) of " Cricetodon" incertum Schlosser on the basis of the specimen from the Oligocene of Quercy phosphorites already published by S. Schaub.
Comparison of the skull of “ C.incertum with that of the asiatic genus Cricetops Matthew and Granger and that of the North-American Eumys Leidy. These three genera of similar age display very distinct characteristics; their common origin must go back to the Eocene, as Wood believed.
Comparisons of the auditory regions of Ruscínomys and of Megacricetodon where important differences are noted. Comparison of the Cricetodontines from European Miocene with contemporary Cricetines. Contrary of the opinion held by Schaub, their anatomical differences do not seem suflicient to warrant the contention that none of the Cricetines derive from a form close to one of the known Cricetodontines. 

Published in Vol. 01, Fasc. 2 (1967)


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