Print ISSN: 0031-0247
Online ISSN: 2274-0333
Frequency: biannual
A new stem hystricognathous rodent from the Eocene of Tunisia
Abstract book of the 18th Conference of the EAVP
Diversity changes in South American Cenozoic mammals
Palaeotis weigelti restudied
Paleocene Palaeocarcharodon from Maryland
Eocene (56) , Quercy Phosphorites (37) , Systematics (31) , Rodents (29) , Mammalia (26)
All papers are subject to double-blind peer reviews. The identity of the authors remains concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. We feel that it performs at least as well as single-blind, and that it generates a better perception of fairness and equality in global scientific funding and publishing.
Four main categories of contributed papers are published in Palaeovertebrata:
Short Communications (not more than about 4-5 printed pages), Articles
(between 6 and 29 printed pages),
Monographs (more than 30 printed pages), and Book Reviews. Papers in languages other than English
are not accepted, except for Monographs (English or French accepted).
Submissions to Palaeovertebrata are now made on-line.
Palaeovertebrata is completely open access: there are no charges to authors.
Palaeovertebrata complies with the latest ICZN requirements for electronic publication of taxonomic nomenclature. Minimally the requirements for creating formal names includes coining a new Latin binomial, designating a holotype specimen that is deposited in a permanent, non-profit scientific research institution, illustrating the type specimen, providing a diagnosis of the new taxon that distinguishes it from others, and providing information about the type locality. Zoological names will be registered by the editors in ZooBank to obtain a Life Science Identifier (LSID). Each issue of Palaeovertebrata (including all of its articles) is archived on our server. A mirror image of the website and of its associated data is performed each day on a server to ensure the perenity of the archived data.
Please prepare the following documents before clicking on 'submit an article' button:
A PDF offprint of the online published article will be provided free of charge to the corresponding author.
Manuscript authors should aim
to communicate ideas and information clearly and concisely, in language suitable for
the moderate specialist. Note : all text including tables, figure captions and literature cited
should be double-spaced, with line and page numbers.
Papers should conform to the following general layout:
Title page Section
To ensure double-blind peer review, the identity of the authors should remain
concealed from the reviewers. Therefore, authors should only provide information
about their identity in the title page section, which should remain separated from the
rest of the manuscript. When constructing your merged .PDF document, please do not forget to remove the title page section.
The title page section must contain the following elements:
This must be on a separate page. It should be about 100-250 words long and should summarize the
paper in a form that is intelligible in conjunction with the title. It should not include references.
For higher-rank taxonomic units use Latin names.
The abstract should be followed by three to five keywords additional to those
in the title identifying the subject matter for retrieval systems. Keywords should
not exceed 85 characters and spaces.
Subject matter
The paper should be divided into sections under short headings. Except in systematic hierarchies,
the hierarchy of headings should not exceed three. An example of systematic hierarchy can be
downloaded here.
Authors should follow the practices set out in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
(ICZN) (see Nomenclature Statement above). Cite the author of species on first mention.
Collection numbers must be quoted, preceded by an institutional abbreviation. Use SI units,
and the appropriate symbols (mm, not millimetre; µm, not micron., s, not sec; Myr for million years).
Avoid elaborate tables of original or derived data, long lists of species, etc.; if such data
are absolutely essential, consider including them as appendices or as online-only supplementary
material. Avoid footnotes, and keep cross references by page to an absolute minimum.
We recommend the use of a tool such as
Endnote or Mendeley for reference management and formatting. EndNote reference style for Palaeovertebrata can
be downloaded here. Mendeley reference style for Palaeovertebrata can
be downloaded here.
In the text, give references in the following forms: "Sudre et al. (1989)", "Sudre (1974) said", "Sudre (1974: 28)"
where it is desired to refer to a specific page, and "(Sudre, 1983)" where giving reference
simply as authority for a statement. Note that names of joint authors are connected by '&'
in the text. The list of references must include all publications cited in the text and only these.
Prior to submission, make certain that all references in the text agree with those in the
references section, and that spelling is consistent throughout. In the list of references,
titles of periodicals must be given in full, not abbreviated. For books, give the title, place of
publication, name of publisher (if after 1930), and indication of edition if not the first.
In papers with half-tones, plate or figure citations are required only if they fall outside the
pagination of the reference cited.
References should conform as exactly as possible to one of these four styles, according
to the type of publication cited. When applicable, please include the DOI link associated to a given publication.
Agrasar, E. L., 2004. Crocodilian remains from the
Upper Eocene of Dor-El-Talha, Libya. Annales de Paléontologie 90, 209-222. doi:10.1016/j.annpal.2004.05.001
McKenna, M. C., Bell, S. K., 1997. Classification of Mammals above the species level.
Columbia University Press, New York.
Shoshani, J., West, R. M., Court, N., Savage,
R. J. G., Harris, J. M., 1996. The earliest proboscideans: general plan, taxonomy and palaeoecology.
In: Shoshani, J., Tassy, P. (Eds.), The Proboscidea: Evolution and Palaeoecology of Elephants and
Relatives. Oxford Unioversity Press, Oxford, pp. 57-75.
Seiffert, E. R., 2003. A phylogenetic analysis of living and extinct afrotherian placentals.
PhD, Duke University.
Other citations such as papers 'in press' [i.e. formally accepted
for publication] may appear on the list but not papers 'submitted' or 'in preparation'. These should
be cited as 'unpubl. data' in the text with the names and initials of all collaborators.
A personal communication may be cited in the text but not in the reference list. Please give all
surnames and initials for unpublished data or personal communication citations given in the text.
Keep these as simple as possible, with few horizontal and, preferably,
no vertical
rules. When assembling complex tables and data matrices, bear the dimensions of the printed page
(250 x 184.6 mm) in mind; reducing typesize to accommodate a multiplicity of columns will affect
legibility. Each table should be uploaded as a separate file.
These normally include photographs, drawings, and diagrams in either black and white or color
(free of charge).
Use one consecutive set of Arabic numbers for all illustrations (do not separate 'Plates'
and 'Text-figures' - treat all as 'Figures'). Figures should be numbered in the order in which they
are cited in the text. Use upper case letters for subdivisions (e.g. Figure 1A-D) of figures; all
other lettering should be lower case. All lettering should be in Arial font.
All figures should be at a resolution of 300 dpi. The labelling and any line drawings in a
composite figure should be added in vector format.
Figures should not be embedded in the manuscript file; each figure should be uploaded as a separate
Authors wishing to use illustrations already published must obtain written permission from
the copyright holder before submitting the manuscript.
Grouping and mounting: when
grouping photographs, aim to make the dimensions of the group (including guttering of 2 mm between
each picture) as close as possible to the page dimensions of 184.6 x 250 mm (for a two-column figure)
or 88.3 x 250 (for a one-column figure), thereby optimizing use of the available space. Remember that
grouping photographs of varied contrast can result in poor reproduction.
We recommand that the cover letter includes an explanation of why the manuscript is of
interest to Palaeovertebrata journal and what is novel about it. Furthermore, you are invited to provide a list of suggested reviewers.
In addition, you may also provide a list of non-suggested reviewers.